Memory skill development: 마음 (mind) Maum 기술 (technique)Kisool
Memory skill development:
마음 (mind) Maum 기술 (technique)Kisool
By Steven Lemner
Tools that can make information easier to recall. They use images, senses, emotions, and patterns to trigger your memory. The process in which we teach is in harmony with memory skill development.
Explain objective
Demonstrate with explanation
Demonstrate without explanation
Practice by the count
Practice without count
Freedom of practice, allowing for observation of the instructor to see if material presented was received. It also helps the instructor to develop their presentation skills.
There are certain things our bodies health need to fully function to absorb material for memory.
The basis for a good memory is a healthy mind and body. You can't expect your brain to function at its best if you don't take care of the body that feeds it. Here are some key issues that you need to address: Feed the brain and body:
Eat well – Make sure that key vitamins are in your diet, including folic acid, vitamin B12, and antioxidants. These improve the sharpness of the mind.
Drink plenty of water – Most of us are dehydrated and don't even know it. When you don't drink enough water, your body and mind can become weak and tired. Water makes red blood cells more active and gives you more energy.
Get enough sleep – During sleep, your brain recharges itself. Studies have shown that your brain needs sleep to change new memories into long-term memories.
Manage stress effectively – Ongoing stress has many harmful health effects. Learn to limit and control the stress in your life. Use mind and physical relaxation techniques (Muk Nyum: meditation ) thought awareness and by imagery to reduce your levels of stress.
Limit caffeine, If you can, sit down LESS and do more of the physical activities that you enjoy. Simple walking, can do wonders for both mind and body.
Techniques and tools:
Use visualization on a regular basis. Since much of memory involves picturing and associating images, it's important to build this skill.
Most people learn best by example, while the second method of “written or Verbal” are next. When combined the create a powerful tool for memorization skills.
Visualize favorite places to help you relax, or use visualization to prepare for an upcoming challenge. This is why as instructors we follow a process. First, Explain while demonstrating. Second, demonstrate without explanation to allow the student to grasp the “picture,sound, tempo” of material presented. This also gives the “picture” of its intent, both dynamic and passive. Third, allow the student to demonstrate the material under a control, counting steps. Fourth, student demonstrates with out count and at the tempo demonstrated. Repetition is vital for memory in any skill set. This helps to create pathways for recall. The more repetitions the better the recall.
Focus on the important things. Key elements. You can't possibly remember everything, so be sure to give your brain important things to do – and don't overload it with "waste." Take your time. Allow yourself to absorb and think about material. As the Sip Sam Seh states: “The brain is the primary actor, the body the second.”
Use material aids: Taking personal notes on information presented helps with recall, by making it personal. Your way of remembering is triggered. (Hanke Sa Bom Nim required you to have a note book with you in class to write down key points you needed to remember.)
Flash cards is a simple method that has been used for years. It is a great way to remember information, dates, terminology ect.
Audio support : One thing that personally helped me was recording commands. When I first begin in the yard and I just came from a Japanese martial arts system. I then had to learn it in a Korean system. So I had to develop a plan. I took a recorder and recorded myself saying the command while leaving air space for response or performance, then giving the answer. Example: say: Hadan Makee: (air space of time), say: Low Block. I then went through my Gup manual with each set of terms: Commands, Hand Techniques, Foot techniques. Then later for testing, the material required. This included combinations. Example: say: Handan Mahkee, Turo choongdan Kong Kyuk, (air space with enough time to perform) Say: low block, reverse middle punch. This method became very valuable, and successful. With everyone having a phone is can be done on there also, so you can listen to it when needed, and free time, while resting the body.
Doing your Hyungs at a slower tempo can be a great way to fully utilize proper breathing, this increasing blood cell production by way of the respiratory system.
Body action/terms: One thing I have found is to associate the physical action while saying a word or term. Such as remembering, the five Moo Do values with the very first one step. Each action is said while performing a part. Then say the order while thinking of the technique. Works very well! As a Gup member, Master Barton would do the with Hyung. We said the technique prior to performing each one. Then later added not just the technique, but name of the stance. He would then quiz us by demonstrating the technique, then asking us what its name was in Korean.
Looking “key” words in combinations of terms such as: Hadan Mahkee,turo,choong dan, Kongkyuk. This is a good example where each word are “keys” used in a variety of technique combinations. Hadan= (area) low, Mahkee=(block), turo=(reverse), choongdan=(area)middle, Kongkyuk=(attack).
These are just a few ideas to help. There are techniques that help “recall” of names, places, dates. As with any “skill” development, consistency, and repetition are vital. When we see a problem or challenge we should approach it with a plan that works for us to result in a positive outcome.
Your memory is a valuable asset that you should protect and develop. Even if you no longer have to memorize information for exams, the ability to remember quickly and accurately is always important.